Viewing PIM Prototypes
nathanielw opened this issue · 0 comments
As a user
I want to be able to view an interactive version of my PIM prototype
So that I can manually test it out
Acceptance Criteria:
Scenario 1: Can switch prototype viewer modes
Given the prototyping module is visible
And the Simulator View tab is selected
Then an input should exist that allows selecting the active prototyping mode (PIM or classic)
When the input is interacted with to change the mode
Then the prototype displayed in the simulator should change to the selected option
Scenario 2: Hotspots linking between screens
Given the PIM Simulator is the active mode
And a PIM exists with hotspots linking multiple screens
Then the same hotspots should be present in the simulator view
When a hotspot is clicked
Then the simulator switches to showing the linked screen's image
And the hotspots from the previous screen are removed/hidden
And the hotspots from the linked screen are shown
Scenario 3:Hotspots with S_behaviours
Given the PIM Simulator is the active mode
And a PIM screen exists with hotspots that have S_behaviours
And the screen has output hotspots that respond to those behaviours
When an input hotspot that has some S_behaviour is clicked
Then the output hotspots that respond to that behaviour are highlighted