The prototype is linked to the PIM chart
nathanielw opened this issue · 0 comments
As a user
I want to be able to convert the prototype I create in the PIM builder to a chart in the chart editor
So that I can see a different representation of the prototype and perform further actions on the chart.
Acceptance Criteria:
Scenario 1: Button exists
Given the prototyping module is visible
Then a button exists for converting the prototype to a chart
Scenario 2: Converting a chart safely
Given the prototyping module is visible
When the Convert button is clicked
Then the user is informed that the existing chart will be lost.
Scenario 3: Converting a chart
Given the prototyping module is visible
When the Convert button is clicked
And the user chooses to convert the prototype
Then the chart editor should display a chart
And the chart should have a state for each screen of the prototype