
Save 400kb in the backoffice by not loading fonts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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UmbraComic - speeding up the backoffice by dumping webfonts

AKA Codegarden 2019 Package of the Year

Feel like your Umbraco backoffice is bogged down and loading slowly? Save an easy 400kb by not downloading webfonts.

Forget about bloated editors or other optimizations, this is all you need (not really).

Lato barely looks any different to the system defaults. You won't even miss it.

Open Sans? Pfft. Let's go sans Open Sans. Hell, I'm not even sure it's being used - it's on the filesystem though, so let's 404 it.

As an extra special treat, UmbraComic will update your backoffice to use Comic Sans.

It's elegant, much-maligned, and actually provides better readability for users with dyslexia (approximately 10% of people).

Also, the package name would make no sense without it.