
Sync local Sketch.app plugins with GitHub

Sync Plugins

Sketch.app plugin for syncing current / local .sketchplugins with their master raw version at GitHub. Operates directly from the application menu bar.


  1. Download and open Sync-Plugins-master.zip
  2. Navigate the Sketch menu bar to Plugins ▸ Reveal Plugins Folder...
  3. Place the Sync Plugins.sketchplugin and Plugin.index files in this folder
  4. That's it...

How to Use

Edit the Plugin.index file by adding any / all plugins you plan to keep synchronized ( see example below ). Begin the syncing process by selecting Plugins ▸ Sync Plugins in the Sketch menu bar. A notification will sound when syncing completes and the plugins are updated.

Index Example

// Normal
Plugin_1 = "MyPlugin.sketchplugin"
GitHub_1 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/master/.."

Plugin_2 = "YourPlugin.sketchplugin"
GitHub_2 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/master/.."

// Subfolder
Plugin_3 = "YourPluginFolder/YourPlugin.sketchplugin"
GitHub_3 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/master/.."

Keyboard Shortcut
Control + Shift + S

Usage Notes
Only the plugins listed in Plugin.index will sync. The naming structure, for example: Plugin_2 and GitHub_2, must remain intact for the plugins to sync properly. The script initially supports 10 plugins, but more can be added by editing the Sync Plugins.sketchplugin file. Do this only if you are completely confident in how it works.


If you discover any issues or have questions regarding usage, please send a message to code@nath.co or find me on GitHub @nathco.