
Breaks autocmd that applies default filetype

Opened this issue · 2 comments

If have this autocmd in my config that sets a default filetype for a buffer if none is set:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost * if &ft == '' | set ft=markdown | endif

This autocmd paired with filetype.nvim breaks the set of the filetype when the buffer is first read. : e<cr> fixes it.

Not sure if this can be addressed or if there's a better way for me to set a default filetype, but I thought I'd bring it up!

Turns out I can fix this by changing the event to BufEnter only:

autocmd BufEnter * if &ft == '' | set ft=markdown | endif

I'll leave this issue open since this is technically an incompatibility between the built-in filetype detection and this plugin.

This is happening because you're matching all filenames and your autocmd is being run before filetype.nvim's. Not sure there's anything helpful I can do here except say that the second autocmd you provided is the "correct" way to do it, waiting for the filetype to resolve.