
[Android] Map ignoring Zoom level property

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm creating a map programatically with these settings:

         const settings = {
            container: contentView,
            accessToken: MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            style: MapStyle.LIGHT,
            center: {
                lat: 53.4108223,
                lon: -2.2775411
            zoomLevel: 0,
            delay: 0,
            showUserLocation: true, // default false
            hideAttribution: false, // default false
            hideLogo: false, // default false
            hideCompass: true, // default false
            disableRotation: true, // default false
            disableScroll: false, // default false
            disableZoom: false, // default false
            disableTilt: true, // default false            

Everything works fine except for the zoomLevel parameter, which seems to be ignored when the map loads.

I've also tried the following but it's also being ignored:

        mapView.on('mapReady', function (args: any) {
            console.log("Social map: onMapReady fired.");
                    level: 0,
                    animated: true,

I'm running Android, NS 8.3.1, Angular 14 and the plugin version 6.2.15

Changing the zoom level to 1 works, not sure if expected behavior :-)