[BottomNavigationBar] set disabled color
boris01 opened this issue · 3 comments
boris01 commented
I'm trying to find a way to set additional - disabled color for the tab, in case the tab isSelectable property is false.
Is there a way to do this with the BottomNavigationBar?
farfromrefug commented
@boris01 you can do this with css and pseudo selector like this:
myClass[isSelectable="false"] {}
boris01 commented
@farfromrefug Thank you for you help!
Unfortunately it is not working with this pseudo selector myClass[isSelectable="false"]
Can you give a little example please?
farfromrefug commented
@boris01 better to ask those question on N discord. Github is for issue reporting.
There it would be best to share a full example code so that people(and i) can try it locally to help you.
I ll close this issue as it is not a bug reporting