
Installation instructions

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm pretty sure this is meant to go into our global path as it is just a bash script, but it would be helpful if there were installation steps or "how to use" steps in the readme.

EDIT: I think maybe it's just as easy as cloning the repo and dragging the Chrome.debug package to the menu bar, now that I've played with it. I did have to take some extra steps though to get the icon to work with the package.

Also, thanks for putting this together and sharing!

also, it might be super neat if this was available as a homebrew install, this could eliminate the manual work of cloning the repo and setting it up properly

I realized that the super-simple way to do this is to make a .dmg of the finished product. Much simpler than homebrew, I think! No need to put on your global path. I also realized that the documentation was not very clear, so I did some reorganization when I added the new instructions.

Thank you for your interest, and your feedback.