
Jetstream issue with fileStore disabled.

samstride opened this issue · 4 comments


Thanks for maintaining the helm chart.

Running into the following issue on chart nats-1.0.2 and app 2.9.21

A config with fileStore disabled:

    enabled: true
    replicas: 3

    enabled: true

      enabled: true
      maxSize: 128Mi

      enabled: false

      maxSkew: 1
      whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway

Is causing the clients to throw this error:

nats: insufficient storage resources available

Things are back to normal once filestore is enabled.

Is this expected behaviour?

What command are the clients executing?

If they are trying to make a file-backed stream then it's expected.

@caleblloyd , I am using the official go client.

       connectionOptions := []nats.Option{
		// Activate retry logic if a connection cannot be established at the start.
		nats.ReconnectHandler(func(_ *nats.Conn) {
			// Note that this will be invoked for the first asynchronous connect.
			logger.Info("Connection to NATS restored ...")
       natsConnection, natsJetStream, err := NewJetStreamConnection(
		nil, // nil jetstream options
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

Hmmm, something must have changed.


I don't now if that may be related with your problem, but the default storage type is, according to the documentation, the file one.

btw, the go client follow that :

const (
	// FileStorage specifies on disk storage. It's the default.
	FileStorage StorageType = iota
	// MemoryStorage specifies in memory only.

I don't know how you manage your streams, but I guess you should explicitly set the memory storage type for them 🤷 .

@jeromedoucet . Thanks. Yes, looks like client now defaults to Filestorage.

It's interesting because previously clients did not need to specify it and nats would automatically handle things. So previously we had:

  • Nats with jetstream memory enabled and filestore disabled
  • clients did not have to specify any jetstream options.

After client update, jetstream is defaulting to filestore. This means that we either:

  • enable filestore on jetstream and not update client code
  • OR keep jetstream filestore disabled and update client code to specify the necessary option

I kinda prefer the old behaviour but I am sure there were reasons to move away from that.
