
Upgrade kubernetes dependeny to fix CVE Warnings

johgoe opened this issue · 4 comments

Please update and release a new version of nats-operator which upgrades the kubernetes dependency.

From: kyma-project/kyma#11244 (comment)

Turns out nats-operator is using kubernetes 1.15.2 as a dependency and that is causing the security scan to fail in the >job as it is shown here:

"scan": {
"status": "Vulns",
"message": "There are some expired vulnerabilities",
"protecodeID": "579046"

The security issue with Kubernetes 1.15.2 is

Thanks, will see if can fix tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay, a bit stuck figuring out this error updating the dependencies... Continue to investigate... Trying out with the go.mod from sample-controller:

go: requires reading at revision v0.0.0: unknown revision v0.0.0

I'm not knowing a lot about Go but seems like this adresses a similar issue kyma-project/kyma#11920

Kubernetes dependencies are now at 1.22.2 as of #336.
Closing for now.