
Serialization exception swallowed when `NatsPubOpts.WaitUntilSent = false`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What version were you using?

nats-server: v2.9.20
Client: 50f2221

What environment was the server running in?

Fedora Linux 6.5.5-200.fc38.x86_64 #⁠1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Sep 24 15:52:44 UTC 2023 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

Is this defect reproducible?

Yes, see failing tests in #136. When using WaitUntilSent = false, an OperationCancelledException is observed. When using WaitUntilSent = true, an InvalidOperationException is observed.

Given the capability you are leveraging, describe your expectation?

Serialization exceptions should be thrown when calling PublishAsync<T> with NatsPubOpts.WaitUntilSent = false.

Given the expectation, what is the defect you are observing?

Serialization exceptions are not observable.

mtmk commented

I can repro the issue.