
Services do not respond to stats when a serialiser is used

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Observed behavior

When registering a service using NatsJsonSerializerRegistry.Default the service throws an exception when called for stats or list:
nats micro stats
nats micro list

A review in code during Slack conversation shows the error at:

await foreach (var msg in _nats.SubscribeAsync<NatsMemoryOwner<byte>>(_subject, _queueGroup, cancellationToken: _cts.Token))

which does not explicitly set the serializer on the subscription

Expected behavior

The expectation is to respond as if the service is consuming primitive types

Server and client version

Server: 2.10.5
Client: 2.0.2

Host environment

No response

Steps to reproduce

Register a service while connecting with NatsOpts.Default will respond to nats micro ls and nats micro stats
If you register the service while connecting with:

    var _SerializerRegistry = NatsJsonSerializerRegistry.Default;
    var opts = NatsOpts.Default with
        SerializerRegistry = _SerializerRegistry

Will throw the following exception when calling nats micro list or nats micro stats :
dbug: NATS.Client.Core.NatsSubBase[1002]
End subscription Exception
NATS.Client.Core.NatsSubBase: Debug: End subscription Exception

mtmk commented

workaround for now:

var opts = new NatsOpts { SerializerRegistry = MyReg.Default };

class MyReg : INatsSerializerRegistry
    public static MyReg Default { get; } = new();
    public INatsSerialize<T> GetSerializer<T>() => MySer<T>.Default;
    public INatsDeserialize<T> GetDeserializer<T>() => MySer<T>.Default;

class MySer<T> : INatsSerializer<T>
    public static INatsSerializer<T> Default { get; } = new NatsRawSerializer<T>(new MySer<T>());
    public void Serialize(IBufferWriter<byte> bufferWriter, T value) => NatsJsonSerializer<T>.Default.Serialize(bufferWriter, value);
    public T? Deserialize(in ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer) => NatsJsonSerializer<T>.Default.Deserialize(buffer);