
Consider wrapping throw in call to encourage JITter

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mtmk commented

NIT/Future: Consider wrapping throw in call to encourage JITter.

Originally posted by @to11mtm in #303 (comment)

So, to elaborate here... Apologies, priorities abound...

In general we should, when throwing in potentially hot methods, prefer to call a ThrowHelper() instead of throwing.

As a very good example

private static int GetInt32(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span)
if (!Utf8Parser.TryParse(span, out int value, out var consumed))
throw new Exception(); // throw...
return value;

the fact we are throwing actually causes a number of optimizations to not happen and can also impact inline ability.

An example refactoring would be:

    private static int GetInt32(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span)
        if (!Utf8Parser.TryParse(span, out int value, out var consumed))

        return value;
    private static void ThrowOnUtf8ParseFail()
        throw new Exception();

Further Docs and explanation of potential value for perf: (FWIW these are from CommunityToolkit's Diagnostic analyzer docs, so we could, if we wanted, add as an analyzer to help identify across projects[0])

We probably should have some form of:

internal static class ThrowHelpers
    //example, add others to taste
    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] //may be too paranoid
    public void ThrowNatsException(string message)
        throw new NatsException(message);

And use that when throwing on hot paths/etc.

[0] - I think that analyzer will only really work if we take CommunityToolKit as a dependency and we want to stay lean, so probably not for now.

mtmk commented

Makes sense. Also runtime libs are always using this. We could start with read/write loops maybe?