
updating p5js examples

lingtalfi opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I'm following the youtube playlist on nature of code, and I didn't found the corresponding p5.js code for the Custom Distribution video (

So here is the code I created, based on the processing equivalent:

// An array to keep track of how often random numbers are picked
let randomCounts = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(800, 200);
    for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {

function draw() {

    // Pick a random number and increase the count
    var index = int(acceptreject() * randomCounts.length);

    // Draw a rectangle to graph results

    var w = width / randomCounts.length;

    for (var x = 0; x < randomCounts.length; x++) {
        rect(x * w, height - randomCounts[x], w - 1, randomCounts[x]);

// An algorithm for picking a random number based on monte carlo method
// Here probability is determined by formula y = x
function acceptreject() {
    // Have we found one yet
    var foundone = false;
    var hack = 0;  // let's count just so we don't get stuck in an infinite loop by accident
    while (!foundone && hack < 10000) {
        // Pick two random numbers
        var r1 = float(random(1));
        var r2 = float(random(1));
        var y = r1 * r1;  // y = x*x (change for different results)
        // If r2 is valid, we'll use this one
        if (r2 < y) {
            foundone = true;
            return r1;
    // Hack in case we run into a problem (need to improve this)
    return 0;

Hopefully you can update your repository and add this code example too.