
Upload Images

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, first, Thank you for this framework, its so helpful

i need to upload selected images, have one method to do this ?

One method is to upload to backend server or to a 3rd party file hosting system like Cloudinary

you can use your backend to generate PRE SIGNED URL ,
send this back to front end , and use it to POST images to this PRE SIGNED URL

in this way you go from

Upload from Client > server > server upload to Cloudinary > server return urls to client


Client ask Url from server > server return urls (take some 100-200ms ? ) > client upload directly to cloudinary

Good luck , this is not an issue , your welcome to join my discord channel i will give support and ideas there

Thank you guys, this resolve my problem
i send file path in my request using loopback 3 storage component and my photo upload with success, thank you