Normalization, corrections, and reconstruction (using tomopy) for the Neutron Imaging Beam Lines
Reconstruction of a CT scan:
>>> from imars3d.CT import CT
>>> ct = CT("/path/to/mydata")
>>> ct.recon()
Install dependencies:
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install pytest pyyaml numpy scipy matplotlib astropy mpi4py psutil scikit-image
$ conda install -c dgursoy tomopy=0.1.15
$ conda install -c conda-forge dxchange
$ pip install progressbar2
If running the jupyter interface, install more dependencies:
$ conda install -c neutrons ipywe
To install imars3d itself,
$ cd /path/to/imars3d; python install
See tests/imars3d/imars3d.conf for an exampmle.