
MongoDB Developer Roadmap for 2021. Learn MongoDB in a better and efficient way with the help of MongoDB Developer Roadmap. Become a good MongoDB Developer

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MongoDB Developer Roadmap

This project includes the roadmap for learning mongoDB from scratch. All possible tools and concepts related to MongoDB has been covered in this roadmap.

Inspiration from Angular Developer Roadmap

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  1. Basic Database Skills
    • Data models, Data Schemas and Data Independence
    • Relational model and Entity-Relationship Model
    • Normalization, Joins, SQL & NoSQL
    • Indexing, Hashing, Transaction & Concurrency
  2. Database Design and its Tools
  3. Database Drivers
  4. GUI Client Tools
  5. MongoDB Concepts
    • Databases
      • Collections
      • Views
    • MongoDB CRUD Operations
      • Create Operations
      • Read Operations
      • Update Operations
      • Delete Operations
    • Aggregation
    • Data Models
      • Data Model Design
      • Schema Validation
      • Model Relationship between Documents
        • One to One
        • One to Many
      • Data Model References
    • Transaction and Atomicity
    • Indexes
    • Replication
    • Sharding
    • Storage
    • Operators
      • Query and Projection Operators
      • Update Operators
      • Aggregation Pipeline Stages
      • Aggregation Pipeline Operators
      • Query Modifiers
    • Security
      • Enable Access Control & Enforce Authentication
      • Configure Role-Based Access Control
      • Limit Network Exposure
      • Run MongoDB with a Dedicated User
      • Encrypt Communication (TLS/SSL)
      • Audit System Activity
      • Encrypt and Protect Data
  6. MongoDB Hosting

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