
Frontend Issues

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Main page -:

  • tags filter block styling should be corrected
  • 2 lines points should be used for project cards description
  • common tags spacing and size can be increased
  • common tags length should be increased to about both cards length
  • main page should be made responsive
  • filter button text on dashboard should be center aligned and there size should be increased to about status option
  • Search logo coming at wrong position in navbar when zoomed out

Profile page-:

  • left column - increase spacing between lines, use single edit button
  • Read more should be aligned correctly and change its text to more projects
  • extra space below in profile page should be removed
  • navbar is not working on profile page
  • don't show links option if there is no link provided by user
  • show some kind of vector art when there is no project in tab in profile page

Projects Detailed page-:

  • already applied should be just like github contributors
  • Table of projects applicant

Solved all these points