
Diff coverage is not correct

eungjun-yi opened this issue · 3 comments

The result of coverage check is always 0/0 (0%) even if the pull request has made some modification and some lines are not covered by tests.

What I Did:

java -jar target/coverchecker-1.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c /home/eungjun/mysrc/diff-cov-sample/build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml -r eungjun-yi/diff-cov-sample -p 4 -g <my-personal-access-token> -t 1

What I Expected:

1/2 (50.0%)

Actual Result:

Here is the correct report by codecov on the pull request.


Hello, thanks for your report.

This issue occurs when to combine diff and coverage reports.
NewCoverageChecker checks only java file like this.

Because this project considers only Java. But It had better working with other JVM languages not only Java.

I will fix ASAP.


I fix this issue in 1.3.4
Would you try again?

I close the issue.
Please reopen when you get same issue.