
Where can I get wikisql_tok?

oney opened this issue · 4 comments

oney commented

It throws an error

(py36) one@test:~/sqlova$ python3 --seed 1 --bS 16 --accumulate_gradients 2 --bert_type_abb uS --fine_tune --lr 0.001 --lr_bert 0.00001 --max_seq_leng 222
BERT-type: uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 552, in <module>
    train_data, train_table, dev_data, dev_table, train_loader, dev_loader = get_data(path_wikisql, args)
  File "", line 183, in get_data
    train_data, train_table, dev_data, dev_table, _, _ = load_wikisql(path_wikisql, args.toy_model, args.toy_size, no_w2i=True, no_hs_tok=True)
  File "/home/one/sqlova/sqlova/utils/", line 29, in load_wikisql
    train_data, train_table = load_wikisql_data(path_wikisql, mode='train', toy_model=toy_model, toy_size=toy_size, no_hs_tok=no_hs_tok, aug=aug)
  File "/home/one/sqlova/sqlova/utils/", line 58, in load_wikisql_data
    with open(path_sql) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/one/data/wikisql_tok/train_tok.jsonl'

Hi @oney

wikisql_tok is the name of the folder that I have used to save the annotated training data.
To solve the issue, please download pre-annotated data from here and uncompress them to some folder.
and change these lines


Lines 545 to 546 in b7ce9ad

path_h = '/home/wonseok'
path_wikisql = os.path.join(path_h, 'data', 'wikisql_tok')

to set the path to the annotated training data.



oney commented

Got it! Thanks!

Same question. Thank you.

@whwang299 What's the data-format for train_tok.jsonl in each key-value? Could you please paste a sample in train_tok.jsonl? thx