

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thank you for this app. I'm trying to start it on my Rasp Pi Zero W.
After executing command "python3 /home/pi/bitcoin_ticker/" comes such error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/bitcoin_ticker/", line 12, in
from font_fredoka_one import FredokaOne
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'font_fredoka_one'

Please kindly advice how do I handle it?

I guess I've discovered the command needed: "pip install font-fredoka-one"
Now the run command "python3 /home/pi/bitcoin_ticker/" gives no console feedback and doesn't build the inkyphat display image.

Compared the code with Hothomir's fork and it helped: have disabled the "inky_display = InkyPHAT("red")" and added display calibration block. So happy now! Many thanks for your app again.