
Deep Learning for Time Series Classification and Extrinsic Regression: A Current Survey

Time Series Classification and Extrinsic Regression Papers

Deep Learning for Time Series Classification and Extrinsic Regression: A Current Survey

News: This work has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Survey .


If you find This Survey useful for your research, please consider citing this paper using the following information:

author = {Foumani, Navid Mohammadi and Miller, Lynn and Tan, Chang Wei and Webb, Geoffrey I. and Forestier, Germain and Salehi, Mahsa},
title = {Deep Learning for Time Series Classification and Extrinsic Regression: A Current Survey},
year = {2024},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
issn = {0360-0300},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3649448},
doi = {10.1145/3649448},
note = {Just Accepted},
journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.},

Table of Contents

CNN Models

Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
MC-DCNN Time series classification using multi-channels deep convolutional neural networks WAIM 2014 -
MC-CNN Deep convolutional neural networks on multichannel time series for human activity recognition IJCAI 2015 -
- Convolutional neural networks for time series classification J. Syst. Eng. Electron 2017 -
FCN Time series classification from scratch with deep neural networks: A strong baseline (FCN, ResNet, Disjoint-CNN) IJCNN 2017 code
Res-CNN Integration of residual network and convolutional neural network along with various activation functions and global pooling for time series classification Neurocomputing 2019 -
DCNNs Multivariate Time Series Classification using Dilated Convolutional Neural Network arXiv 2019 -
Disjoint-CNN Disjoint-cnn for multivariate time series classification ICDMW 2021 code
- Encoding time series as images for visual inspection and classification using tiled convolutional neural networks AAAI 2015 -
- Classification of time-series images using deep convolutional neural networks ICMV 2017 -
- Scalable classification of univariate and multivariate time series IEEE Big Data 2018 -
- Classify multivariate time series by deep neural network image classification CCHI 2019 -
RPMCNN A deep learning framework for time series classification using relative position matrix and convolutional neural network Neurocomputing 2019 -
- Sensor classification using convolutional neural network by encoding multivariate time series as two-dimensional colored images Sensors 2019 -
MCNN Multi-scale convolutional neural networks for time series classification arXiv 2016 -
t-LetNet Data augmentation for time series classification using convolutional neural networks AALTD 2016 -
MVCNN Time series classification with multivariate convolutional neural network IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron 2018 -
- A cnn adapted to time series for the classification of supernovae Electronic Imaging 2019 code
InceptionTime Inceptiontime: Finding alexnet for time series classification DMKD 2020 code
EEG-inception Prototypical inception network with cross branch attention for time series classification IJCNN 2021 -
Inception-FCN Time Series Classification with InceptionFCN Sensors 2021 -
KDCTime KDCTime: Knowledge distillation with calibration on InceptionTime for time-series classification J. Inf. Sci 2022 -
LITE LITE: Light Inception with boosTing tEchniques for Time Series Classification DSAA 2023 code

Attention-based Models

Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
MuVAN MuVAN: A Multi-view Attention Network for Multivariate Temporal Data ICDM 2018 -
ChannelAtt A novel channel-aware attention framework for multi-channel eeg seizure detection via multi-view deep learning IEEE EMBS- BHI 2018 -
GeoMAN Geoman: Multi-level attention networks for geo-sensory time series prediction IJCAI 2018 code
Multi-Stage-Att Multistage attention network for multivariate time series prediction Neurocomputing 2020 -
CT_CAM A novel channel and temporal-wise attention in convolutional networks for multivariate time series classification IEEE Acesss 2020 -
CA-SFCN A new attention mechanism to classify multivariate time series IJCAI 2020 code
RTFN RTFN: A Robust Temporal Feature Network for Time Series Classification Information Sciences 2021 -
LAXCAT Explainable Multivariate Time Series Classification: A Deep Neural NetworkWhich Learns To Attend To Important Variables AsWell As Informative Time Intervals ACM- WSDM 2021 -
MACNN Multi-scale attention convolutional neural network for time series classification Neural Networks 2021 code
WHEN WHEN: A Wavelet-DTW Hybrid Attention Network for Heterogeneous Time Series Analysis ACM KDD 2023 -
SAnD Attend and Diagnose: Clinical Time Series Analysis Using Attention Models AAAI 2018 -
T2 Paying Attention to Astronomical Transients: Introducing the Time-series Transformer for Photometric Classification arXiv 2021 code
GTN Gated Transformer Networks for Multivariate Time Series Classification arXiv 2021 code
TRANS_tf An end-to-end framework combining time–frequency expert knowledge and modified transformer networks for vibration signal classification Expert Syst. Appl. 2021 -
FMLA Rethinking Attention Mechanism in Time Series Classification arXiv 2022 -
AutoTransformer AutoTransformer: Automatic Transformer Architecture Design for Time Series Classification PAKDD 2022 -
ConvTran Improving position encoding of transformers for multivariate time series classification Data Min. Knowl. Discov 2023 code

Graph Neural Network

Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
TGCN Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Automatic Seizure Detection PMLR 2019 -
DGCNN EEG Emotion Recognition Using Dynamical Graph Convolutional Neural Networks IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput 2020 -
GraphSleepNet GraphSleepNet: Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Sleep Stage Classification IJCAI 2020 code
T-GCN A deep learning approach using graph convolutional networks for slope deformation prediction based on time-series displacement data Neural Computing and Applications 2021 -
MRF-GCN Multireceptive Field Graph Convolutional Networks for Machine Fault Diagnosis IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron 2021 -
- Graph Convolutional Network For Generalized Epileptiform Abnormality Detection On EEG SPMB 2021 -
DCRNN Self-Supervised Graph Neural Networks for Improved Electroencephalographic Seizure Analysi ICLR 2022 code
Time2Graph+ Time2Graph+: Bridging Time Series and Graph Representation Learning via Multiple Attentions IEEE Trans. Knowl 2023 code
RAINDROP Graph-Guided Network for Irregularly Sampled Multivariate Time Series ICLR 2022 code
STEGON Attentive Spatial Temporal Graph CNN for Land Cover Mapping From Multi Temporal Remote Sensing Data IEEE Access 2021 -
- A deep graph neural network architecture for modelling spatio-temporal dynamics in resting-state functional MRI data Medical Image Analysis 2022 code
MTPool Multivariate time-series classification with hierarchical variational graph pooling Neural Networks 2022 code
SimTSC Towards Similarity-Aware Time-Series Classification SIAM- SDM 2022 code
- Graph Neural Networks Extract High-Resolution Cultivated Land Maps From Sentinel-2 Image Series IEEE Geosci 2022 -
C-DGAM Class-driven Graph Attention Network for Multi-label Time Series Classification in Mobile Health Digital Twins IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun 2023 -
- Graph Dynamic Earth Net: Spatio-Temporal Graph Benchmark for Satellite Image Time Series IGARSS 2023 code
TISER-GCN Graph neural networks for multivariate time series regression with application to seismic data Int. j. data sci. anal 2023 code
TodyNet TodyNet: Temporal Dynamic Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Classification arXiv 2023 code
LB-SimTSC LB-SimTSC: An Efficient Similarity-Aware Graph Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Time Series Classification arXiv 2023 -


Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
TCL Unsupervised feature extraction by time-contrastive learning and nonlinear ica NIPS 2016 -
T-Loss/SRL ***Unsupervised Scalable Representation Learning for Multivariate Time Series NeurIPS 2019 code
TNC Unsupervised Representation Learning for Time Series with Temporal Neighborhood Coding arXiv 2021 code
TS-TCC Time-Series Representation Learning via Temporal and Contextual Contrasting IJCAI 2021 code
MCL Mixing up contrastive learning: Self-supervised representation learning for time series Pattern Recognit Lett 2022 -
TimeCLR TimeCLR: A self-supervised contrastive learning framework for univariate time series representation Knowl.-Based Syst 2022 -
TS2Vec TS2Vec: Towards Universal Representation of Time Series AAAI 2022 code
BTSF Unsupervised Time-Series Representation Learning with Iterative Bilinear Temporal-Spectral Fusion ICML 2022 -
TF-C Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training for Time Series via Time-Frequency Consistency NeurIPS 2022 code
MHCCL MHCCL: Masked Hierarchical Cluster-Wise Contrastive Learning for Multivariate Time Series AAAI 2023 code
BENDR BENDR: Using Transformers and a Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning Task to Learn From Massive Amounts of EEG Data Front Hum Neurosci 2021 code
Voice2Series Voice2Series: Reprogramming Acoustic Models for Time Series Classification PMLR 2021 code
TST A Transformer-based Framework for Multivariate Time Series Representation Learning ACM KDD 2021 -
TARNet TARNet: Task-Aware Reconstruction for Time-Series Transformer ACM KDD 2022 code
TimeMAE TimeMAE: Self-Supervised Representations of Time Series with Decoupled Masked Autoencoders arXiv 2023 code
CRT Self-Supervised Time Series Representation Learning via Cross Reconstruction Transformer IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst 2023 -
PHIT Finding Foundation Models for Time Series Classification with a PreText Task arXiv 2023 code
Series2Vec Series2Vec: Similarity-based Self-supervised Representation Learning for Time Series Classification arXiv 2023 code


Summary of Human Activity Recognition

Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
- Convolutional Neural Networks for human activity recognition using mobile sensors ICST 2014 -
DCNN Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks ACM 2015 -
- Deep convolutional neural networks on multichannel time series for human activity recognition IJCAI 2015 -
DeepConvLSTM Deep Convolutional and LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks for Multimodal Wearable Activity Recognition Sensors 2016 -
DeepHAR Deep, convolutional, and recurrent models for human activity recognition using wearables IJCAI 2016 code
- Human activity recognition with smartphone sensors using deep learning neural networks Expert Syst. Appl. 2016 -
- Ensembles of Deep LSTM Learners for Activity Recognition using Wearables ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 2017 -
- Human activity recognition from accelerometer data using Convolutional Neural Network IEEE BigComp 2017 -
- Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition Sensors 2017 -
- Real-time human activity recognition from accelerometer data using Convolutional Neural Networks Appl. Soft Comput. 2018 -
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition Using Body-Worn Sensors Informatics 2018 -
- Efficient dense labelling of human activity sequences from wearables using fully convolutional networks Pattern Recognit. 2018 -
- Understanding and improving recurrent networks for human activity recognition by continuous attention ACM-ISWC 2018 -
AttnSense AttnSense: multi-level attention mechanism for multimodal human activity recognition IJCAI 2019 -
InnoHAR InnoHAR: A Deep Neural Network for Complex Human Activity Recognition IEEE Access 2019 -
- A Novel IoT-Perceptive Human Activity Recognition (HAR) Approach Using Multihead Convolutional Attention IEEE Internet Things J. 2020 -
- A multibranch CNN-BiLSTM model for human activity recognition using wearable sensor data The Visual Computer 2021 -
CNN-biGRU Deep Convolutional Neural Network with RNNs for Complex Activity Recognition Using Wrist-Worn Wearable Sensor Data Electronics 2021 -
DEBONAIR Deep learning based multimodal complex human activity recognition using wearable devices Appl. Intell. 2020 -
- LSTM Networks Using Smartphone Data for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Sensors 2021 -
- Biometric User Identification Based on Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors: An Experiment Using Deep Learning Models Electronics 2021 -
- Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition with Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Sensors 2021 -
- Deep ConvLSTM With Self-Attention for Human Activity Decoding Using Wearable Sensors IEEE Sens. J. 2021 -
- Deep Convolutional Networks With Tunable Speed–Accuracy Tradeoff for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearables IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2021 -
- Deformable Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2022 code

Summary of Satellite Earth Observation

Abbreviation Title Venue Year Code
TAN Temporal Attention Networks for Multitemporal Multisensor Crop Classification IEEE Acess 2019 -
TGA A temporal group attention approach for multitemporal multisensor crop classification Infrared Phys. Technol. 2020 -
3D-CNN 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images Remote Sensing 2018 -
DCM DeepCropMapping: A multi-temporal deep learning approach with improved spatial generalizability for dynamic corn and soybean mapping Remote Sens. Environ. 2020 code
HierbiLSTM Multimodal Crop Type Classification Fusing Multi-Spectral Satellite Time Series with Farmers Crop Rotations and Local Crop Distribution arXiv 2022 -
L-TAE Lightweight Temporal Self-attention for Classifying Satellite Images Time Series AALTD 2020 code
PSE-TAE Satellite Image Time Series Classification With Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention CVPR 2020 code
SITS-BERT Self-Supervised Pretraining of Transformers for Satellite Image Time Series Classification IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens. 2020 -
1D-CNN End-to-end learning of deep spatio-temporal representations for satellite image time series classification PKDD/ECML 2017 -
1D & 2D-CNNs Deep Learning Classification of Land Cover and Crop Types Using Remote Sensing Data IEEE GRSL 2017 -
TempCNN Temporal convolutional neural network for the classification of satellite image time series Remote Sensing 2019 code
TASSEL Attentive Weakly Supervised land cover mapping for object-based satellite image time series data with spatial interpretation arXiv 2020 -
TSI Time series remote sensing image classification framework using combination of deep learning and multiple classifiers system Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 2021 -
TWINNS Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series for land cover mapping via a multi-source deep learning architecture ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens 2019 -
DuPLO DuPLO: A DUal view Point deep Learning architecture for time series classificatiOn ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens 2019 -
Sequential RNN Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018 code
FG-UNET Land Cover Maps Production with High Resolution Satellite Image Time Series and Convolutional Neural Networks: Adaptations and Limits for Operational Systems Remote Sensing 2019 -
LSTM Land Cover Classification via Multitemporal Spatial Data by Deep Recurrent Neural Networks IEEE GRSL 2017 -
HOb2sRNN Object-Based Multi-Temporal and Multi-Source Land Cover Mapping Leveraging Hierarchical Class Relationships Remote Sensing 2020 -
OD2RNN Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series via RNN for Object-Based Land Cover Classification IEEE IGARSS 2019 -
SITS-Former SITS-Former: A pre-trained spatio-spectral-temporal representation model for Sentinel-2 time series classification Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 2022 code
- Mapping Deforestation in Cerrado Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Time Series Remote Sensing 2022 -
- FLOOD DETECTION IN TIME SERIES OF OPTICAL AND SAR IMAGES Int. Archives Photogrammetry, Remote Sens. & Spatial Inf. Sci. 2020 -
- Classifying surface fuel types based on forest stand photographs and satellite time series using deep learning Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 2022 -
- Deep Neural Networks for automatic extraction of features in time series satellite images Int. Archives Photogrammetry, Remote Sens. & Spatial Inf. 2020 -
- Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Winter Vegetation Quality Mapping via Multitemporal SAR Sentinel-1 IEEE GRSL 2018 -
TempCNN-LFMC Live fuel moisture content estimation from MODIS: A deep learning approach ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 2021 code
Multi-tempCNN Multi-modal temporal CNNs for live fuel moisture content estimation Environ. Model. Softw. 2022 code
LFMC estimation SAR-enhanced mapping of live fuel moisture content RSE 2020 code
LFMC estimation Retrieval of Live Fuel Moisture Content Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data and Ensemble Deep Learning Model Remote Sensing 2022 -
MLDL-net Multilevel Deep Learning Network for County-Level Corn Yield Estimation in the U.S. Corn Belt IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens. 2020 -
SSTNN Crop yield prediction from multi-spectral, multi-temporal remotely sensed imagery using recurrent 3D convolutional neural networks Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 2021 -
MMFVE Combining LiDAR Metrics and Sentinel-2 Imagery to Estimate Basal Area and Wood Volume in Complex Forest Environment via Neural Networks IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens. 2022 -

Commonly used human activity recognition datasets

Dataset Paper Venue Year Repository
DAPHNet FoG Potentials of Enhanced Context Awareness in Wearable Assistants for Parkinson's Disease Patients with the Freezing of Gait Syndrome ISWC 2009 repo
Opportunity challenge The Opportunity challenge: A benchmark database for on-body sensor-based activity recognition Pattern Recognit. Lett. 2013 repo
PAMAP2 Introducing a New Benchmarked Dataset for Activity Monitoring ISWC 2012 repo
Skoda Activity Recognition from On-Body Sensors: Accuracy-Power Trade-Off by Dynamic Sensor Selection EWSN 2008 repo
UCI-HAR APublic Domain Dataset for Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones ESANN 2013 repo
UniMiB SHAR UniMiB SHAR: A Dataset for Human Activity Recognition Using Acceleration Data from Smartphones Applied Science 2017 repo
USC-HAD USC-HAD: a daily activity dataset for ubiquitous activity recognition using wearable sensor ACM UbiComp 2012 repo
WISDM Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers ACM SIGKDD 2011 repo

Earth Observation satellites and instruments collecting the data used in the studies reviewed.

Agency Satellite & Instruments Title Type Code
NASA Landsat-7 ETM Landsat Satellite Missions Optical -
NASA Landsat-8 OLI Landsat Satellite Missions Optical -
NASA Terra/Aqua MODIS MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Optical -
ESA Sentinel-1A/1B SAR-C Sentinel Online Microwave SAR -
ESA Sentinel-2A/2B MSI Sentinel Online Optical -
CNES (France) Pléiades-1A/1B HiRI Earth Online Optical -
NSPO (Taiwan) Formosat-2 RSI FORMOSAT-2 Optical -
CRESDA (China) Gaofen-1/2 MUX, PAN, WFV Gaofen2 Optical -