- 1
Automated detection of segments of interest
#56 opened by aislyn - 1
Error when smoothed_bincounts is not in the assay
#97 opened by Puriney - 1
mouse genome
#96 opened by LeonLiu-ZL - 2
- 1
application of CopyKit
#95 opened by veramazzara - 1
Normalise with 'normal' cells
#93 opened by seedgeorge - 2
Install Instructions
#90 opened by akcasasent - 5
Errors in the plotRatio() call
#91 opened by srbehera - 1
export IGV seg ratio file
#89 opened by MinBio - 7
runCountRead does not recognize .bam files
#85 opened by Romeo1-1 - 4
germline gain not called in single cells
#88 opened by proukakis - 4
is there a way to get lists of CNVs
#87 opened by proukakis - 1
- 6
- 2
fix colors on ratio heatmap
#23 opened by aislyn - 1
row-based subsetting for all plot functions
#62 opened by aislyn - 4
- 1
findVariableGenes returns NA's
#79 opened by aislyn - 1
name of findNormalCells is slightly misleading
#78 opened by aislyn - 2
The function name "filterCells()" is misleading because its function isn't actually filtering
#58 opened by aislyn - 2
calcInteger() does not catch failures in scquantum
#54 opened by aislyn - 1
- 1
ggalluvial not loading with copykit
#65 opened by aislyn - 1
plotHeatmap() doesn't catch attempt to add multiple row labels in consensus mode
#59 opened by aislyn - 2
Progress bar for calcInteger()
#55 opened by aislyn - 1
- 5
filterCells() is really slow
#32 opened by aislyn - 4
- 1
- 1
findClusters() factor order
#33 opened by aislyn - 1
make plotHeatmap() default label colors fixed, not stochastic (or at least not a surprise)
#30 opened by aislyn - 1
- 1
- 2
runSegmentation throws dimension error
#28 opened by aislyn - 2
runMetrics producing threading-related error
#27 opened by aislyn - 0
Rsubread dependency
#25 opened by darlanminussi - 1
#22 opened by darlanminussi - 1
Make metadata more accessible in cell ratioplots
#24 opened by aislyn - 1
- 4
readVarbinCNA "dir" argument is unclear
#7 opened by aislyn - 2
subclone consensus plots
#16 opened by aislyn - 2
load and store different segmentations
#14 opened by aislyn - 1
- 0
#18 opened by darlanminussi - 1
phylo check
#13 opened by darlanminussi - 3
- 1
#9 opened by darlanminussi - 1
store correlation value from filterCells()
#10 opened by aislyn - 1
- 7