
Go-based command-line tool for the remove.bg API

Primary LanguageGo




Download latest stable release (Windows, Mac, Linux)

CLI usage

removebg [options] <file>...

API key

To process images you'll need your remove.bg API key.

To use the API key for all requests you can export the following environment variable in your shell profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc):

export REMOVE_BG_API_KEY=xyz

Alternatively you can specify the API key per command:

removebg --api-key xyz images/image1.jpg

Resolution limit

Please note that the CLI tool is currently limited to images up to 10 megapixels (larger images are resized). You can get higher-resolution images of up to 25 megapixels via --format zip and then converting the ZIP file to the format of your choice (see here). In the future we plan to extend the CLI tool to compose the final picture automatically.

Processing a directory of images

Saving to the same directory (default)

If you want to remove the background from all the PNG and JPG images in a directory, and save the transparent images in the same directory:

removebg images/*.{png,jpg}

Given the following input:

├── dog.jpg
└── cat.png

The result would be:

├── dog.jpg
├── cat.png
├── dog-removebg.png
└── cat-removebg.png

Saving to a different directory (--output-directory)

If you want to remove the background from all the PNG and JPG images in a directory, and save the transparent images in a different directory:

mkdir processed
removebg --output-directory processed originals/*.{png,jpg}

Given the following input:

├── dog.jpg
└── cat.png

The result would be:

├── dog.jpg
└── cat.png

├── dog.png
└── cat.png

CLI options

  • --api-key or REMOVE_BG_API_KEY environment variable (required).

  • --output-directory (optional) - The output directory for processed images.

  • --reprocess-existing - Images which have already been processed are skipped by default to save credits. Specify this flag to force reprocessing.

  • --confirm-batch-over (default 50) - Prompt for confirmation before processing batches over this size. Specify -1 to disable this safeguard.

Image processing options

Please see the API documentation for further details.

  • --size (default auto)
  • --type
  • --channels
  • --bg-color
  • --format (default: png)



Getting started:

git clone git@github.com:remove-bg/go.git $GOPATH/github.com/remove-bg/go
cd $GOPATH/github.com/remove-bg/go

To build & try out locally:

go build -o removebg main.go
./removebg --help