I’m a Mobile Software Engineer. I studied at Driven Education and Alpha EdTech and i'm currently working on democratizing the brazilian financial industry.
Student at Driven Education and Alpha EdTechBrasil, Recife-PE
nayandrade's Followers
- akirackAlpha EdTech
- AlanDouglasASouzaMogi das Cruzes - SP Brasil
- antoniofco22cariré-ceara-brasil
- CimarSantosDriven Projetos
- erajoao
- geversonfernandes
- GuyrlamBelo Horizonte - MG.
- isadoramg
- janascher@AlphaEdTech
- jpgsaraceni@hurbcom
- LauraSeixas
- LeonMesquitaParnaíba - Piauí
- LucasCscBks
- LuceliaMarques
- luhbarbalho
- marcusfreirepaulino
- Oliveira-Carlos
- PauloCruz06UFRN - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- REFSZINDriven Education
- rogeriokotsuboRHM Tecnologia
- ScytarAlpha EdTech
- vandreraia
- vitoriafalencar