
Decrypt a word crypted in 3.1 don't work

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I crypted a word in 3.1 and I update to 4.0 to test and I can't decrypt it and when I crypt a word in 4.0 I can't decrypt it in 3.1. I made something wrong probably but I just followed the instructions. But it dosn't work.
Is there maybe a configuration to use with secret_iv cipher_algorithm to have it work with the old version ?

nayzo commented

Make sure that you keep the same bundle configuration between the two versions and it should work.

it was the case I just changed in config.yml :
secret_key: *************
secret_key in 4.0 is it the same to secret in 3.1 ? because that I have done I just change secret to secret_key
i didn't use secret_iv and cipher_algorithm but not the same result.
Maybe I wasn't clear about 3.1 and 4.0 It was the version of NAYZO/NzoUrlEncryptorBundle

nayzo commented

If you change the secret_key value the "decryption" and the "encryption" result will change accordingly!
So make sure you have the same secret_key value, otherwise you have to rollback by using the base value.

it was the same value but the crypt result isn't the same.

nayzo commented

I'm talking about all the configuration, not only the secret_key

I understand I just used the basic configuration by using the same secret_key since in the 3.1 version there's just one variable that named secret. So in my configuration there's only :
secret_key: *************
Like in the version 3.1

Just to know is it the variable secret_key in 4.0 the same to secret in 3.1 ? becuse if it was the case I didn't change it I just changed the name in config.yml.

nayzo commented

I don't know what do you mean by secret as the bundle doesn't contain this variable anyware in the configuration. It has only the secret_key variable.