
Twig_* Methods / Classes Deprecated

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The latest update of twig has completely removed the ability to use the Twig_Extension, Twig_Filter and Twig_SimpleFunction. I'm unable to submit a branch / PR to fix this so here is the fix. Can this be put in?



  • UrlEncryptorExtension file.
  • (c) Ala Eddine Khefifi
  • For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  • file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Twig;

use Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\UrlEncryptor\UrlEncryptor;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFilter;
use Twig\TwigFunction;


  • Class UrlEncryptorExtension

  • @Package Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Twig
    class UrlEncryptorExtension extends AbstractExtension

    • @var UrlEncryptor
      private $urlencryptor;


    • UrlEncryptorExtension constructor.
    • @param UrlEncryptor $urlencryptor
      public function __construct(UrlEncryptor $urlencryptor)
      $this->urlencryptor = $urlencryptor;

    public function getFilters()
    return array(
    new TwigFilter('urlencrypt', array($this, 'urlencryptFilter')),
    new TwigFilter('urldecrypt', array($this, 'urldecryptFilter')),

    public function getFunctions()
    return array(
    new TwigFunction('nzoEncrypt', array($this, 'nzoEncryptFunction')),
    new TwigFunction('nzoDecrypt', array($this, 'nzoDecryptFunction')),


    • @param string $key
    • @return string
      public function urlencryptFilter($key)
      return $this->urlencryptor->encrypt($key);


    • @param string $key
    • @return string
      public function urldecryptFilter($key)
      return $this->urlencryptor->decrypt($key);


    • @param string $key
    • @return string
      public function nzoEncryptFunction($key)
      return $this->urlencryptor->encrypt($key);


    • @param string $key
    • @return string
      public function nzoDecryptFunction($key)
      return $this->urlencryptor->decrypt($key);

    public function getName()
    return 'nzo_urlencryptor_extension';