

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is there any way to use this library together with @ParamConverter?

nayzo commented

This bundle is already usable with @ParamConverter

use Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Annotations\ParamDecryptor;
use Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Annotations\ParamEncryptor;

class MyController extends AbstractController
    * @ParamDecryptor(params={"id", "bar"})
    public function decryptionAction($id, $bar)
        // no need to use the decryption service here as the parameters are already decrypted by the annotation service.

    * @ParamEncryptor(params={"id", "bar"})
    public function encryptionAction($id, $bar)
        // no need to use the encryption service here as the parameters are already encrypted by the annotation service.