Crawling issue reports of Jira

Primary LanguagePython

CIR: Crawling Issue Reports

A crawler for parsing and storing Jira issue reports

.py files

1. Core file: CIR.py

This file contains functions for extracting data from Jira issue reports. The key functions include:
1) Extract(sp, elmnt, strip=1, omit_double_qout=1): Extracts issue properties from the specified HTML element.

  • Inputs:

    • sp: A BeautifulSoup object representing the parsed HTML content.
    • elmnt: The HTML element identifier (e.g., tag and/or class) to extract properties from.
    • strip (optional, default=1): If set to 1, it removes leading and trailing whitespaces from the extracted text.
    • omit_double_qout (optional, default=1): If set to 1, it removes double quotes from the extracted text.
  • Output:

    • issue_prop: Extracted issue property as a string. It could be None if the specified HTML element is not found.

2) Crawl_issue_report(url, issue_num): Fetches an issue report from the given URL and extracts relevant Details, People, Dates, Description, and Comments.

  • Inputs:
  • url: The URL of the Jira issue report to fetch and scrape.
  • issue_num: The issue number associated with the Jira issue report.
  • Outputs:
  • issue_prop: Extracted issue property as a string. It could be None if the specified HTML element is not found.
  • crawled_data: A dictionary containing various details, people, dates, description, and comments extracted from the Jira issue report. The keys include:
    • Issue#
    • Details (e.g., Type, Status, Priority, etc.)
    • People (e.g., Assignee, Reporter, etc.)
    • Dates (e.g., Created, Updated, etc.)
    • Description
    • Comments =>
      • To extract comments from Jira issue reports, the JavaScript in the source page is executed by identifying relevant script tags (which can not be directly accessible from HTML text). A headless Chrome browser is employed to dynamically load content, including comments. Subsequently, the loaded content is parsed and extracted using BeautifulSoup.
      • All other properties, excluding Comments, can be directly extracted from the pure HTML of the issue report web page.

3) Write_to_CSV(data, CSV_name): Writes the crawled data to a CSV file.

  • Inputs:

  • data: The crawled data, typically in the form of a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents the data for a single issue report.

  • CSV_name: The base name for the CSV file.

  • Output:

  • If successful, the function generates a CSV file named [CSV_name]_issue_report.csv containing the crawled data. It prints a success message.

  • If unsuccessful (e.g., failed to fetch the webpage), it prints an error message.

2. main-BachCrawlingIssueReports.py

This file demonstrates the use of CIR.py to crawl multiple Jira issue reports within a specified range and writes the data to a CSV file.

Output Example:

3. mainExample.py

This file provides an example of how to use CIR.py to crawl a specific Jira issue report and writes the data to a CSV file.

Output Example:

note: run the second and the third files to get the .csv files

Dependencies (Python libraries)

  • requests
  • bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
  • selenium
  • chrome driver (for headless browsing)