
BUG: Error at start the module lspconfig/configs not exists

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi thanks for make this amazing plugin but i have a Bug when i trying use this


Not found the module lspconfig/configs here are my packer installation:

use {
  config = function()
    require 'lsp.lsp-servers'
  --event = 'BufReadPre',

use {
  config = function()

Any idea for fix that?

Hi thanks for make this amazing plugin but i have a Bug when i trying use this


Not found the module lspconfig/configs here are my packer installation:

use {
  config = function()
    require 'lsp.lsp-servers'
  --event = 'BufReadPre',

use {
  config = function()

Any idea for fix that?



with NvChad config , this is what I am doing,

on my first run I also got the same error ,
may be because it is lazy loaded so dependency plugins are not found

but after that never saw that error

mind it, I just commented out kabouzeid/nvim-lspinstall and added this one

then of course, :packer sync which removes previous plugin directory

Of course I created a file nvim/lua/plugins/configs/nazolsp.lua and put the settings


I make that but not work ☹️

I make that but not work ☹️

Can you post screenshot of your config ?

nazo6 commented

I couldn't reproduce it. Can you give me the minimum configuration that can be reproduced?

I make that but not work ☹️

Can you post screenshot of your config ?

Config of lspinstall.nvim?

I couldn't reproduce it. Can you give me the minimum configuration that can be reproduced?

The configuration of the README is what I'm using

nazo6 commented

I rewrote plugin. Please try it.