
User story: Working Authorization Code flow

nbarbettini opened this issue · 4 comments


The application should

  • Display the code and state in the Callback view
  • Provide a copy/paste-able POST request to the /token route to redeem the code for tokens


Maybe I'm asking too much, but what about implementing the rest of the flow? i.e. redeeming the authorization code for an access token (and possibly a refresh token), maybe with PKCE support...

@thomaslevesque I'm a fan of your blog! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion.

I kept the rest of the flow out of scope, because I do not want anyone to ever share their client secrets with my debugger tool. However, PKCE would work. Captured as a feature request here: #39

I don't have much time to work on this tool these days, so I won't be able to build it right away.

I kept the rest of the flow out of scope, because I do not want anyone to ever share their client secrets with my debugger tool.

Ah, yes, that makes sense.

I don't have much time to work on this tool these days, so I won't be able to build it right away.

Sure, no rush 😉