
My Exherbo repository

ISC LicenseISC

What ?

This is a repository where I'll put Exherbo packages I write, and hopefully maintain them.

Why ?

Because they are useful, at least for me. Because someone else might find them useful.

Who ?

Nicolas Braud-Santoni (nicoo on freenode/#exherbo).
Aspiring computer scientist, French; yes, I have many defects :-)

On silly licencing issues

ISC license

The ISC license is a simple, copyfree licence, compatible with 2-clause BSD. I like it because it is very simple and gives about all liberties you might want (even the ability to redistribute under a non-free license).

Unless the header specifies otherwise, I hold the copyright on each file. All files for which I am the sole copyright holder are distributed under the terms of the ISC licence (cf LICENCE).

GPL v2

However, inclusion in Exherbo's tree requires GPLv2.

As such, all files here are also licensed under GPLv2, and the header only mentions it.