
32:9 with 21:9 black borders

Riwer opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Riwer commented

The patch correctly patched the viewport for 5120x1440 (32:9), but the vignette effect image was left in 21:9 format

DH0AfR5 1

Thanks, looks like there also are issues with the consumables positioning. I don't have 32:9 but will try to emulate one and reproduce.

I've tried to reproduce, but couldn't:

  • Vignette/overlays are properly centred on my end (though they don't all scale, this is something I'll have to fix as I don't have categorized all vignette/overlays yet).
  • Consumables are properly placed at the bottom right.


Can you uninstall Hephaistos and try the latest version? Perhaps I've fixed something incidentally ๐Ÿค”

Do note that I've changed Hephaistos file format in v0.4.0, so I would recommend you do the following to ensure everything works fine:

  • Run hephaistos restore to restore Hades files, then remove all Hephaistos files.
  • Repair the game files from Steam / Epic (should do nothing, but just in case...).
  • Install the new version of Hephaistos and repatch.

Future upgrades should just be "drop in Hephaistos on top of the existing version", this change was a one-time thing.

Riwer commented

Great, the vignette effect and consumable position are now fixed.

But upgrade menus have now mixed positions between left and center (this did not happen before)
Before this version, the complete menus appeared on the left (at least everything was in its place there)

But I don't know if it's something you're still working on or if it only happens in 32: 9


I don't think it happens only in 32:9, this sort of stuff I expected to happen also at 21:9.
Basically Hephaistos needs to move the components individually so we just have to persist until there is none left :D
Thanks for the screenshots, it helps a lot :)

Made good progress today ๐ŸŽ‰ Here's a peek:

v0.6.0 is out if you'd like to have a try. Not everything's fixed yet but it's looking way better already :)

Hey, I think I've fixed almost everything in v0.8.0, if you wanna try it out ๐Ÿ˜„


I'm pretty sure I've fixed almost everything in latest version v0.11.0 ๐ŸŽ‰
I will close this issue. Please do report back in issue #1 if you find anything still :D