
3.0.0: popFragment() with customAnimations not working as expected

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When using navController.popFragment() with FragNavTransactionOptions.customAnimations and specifying enterAnimation, exitAnimation, popEnterAnimation, and popExitAnimation the pop animations have no effect. Instead the enter animations are used.

FragNavTransactionOptions.newBuilder() .customAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_from_right, R.anim.slide_out_to_left, R.anim.slide_in_from_left, R.anim.slide_out_to_right).build()

Only R.anim.slide_in_from_right and R.anim.slide_out_to_left is seen in action when entering AND popping.

Using FragNav 3.0.0 - worked fine on 2.4.0

This is a dealbreaker for me :(

@porkyhead Probably that was my mistake. I'm going to raise a PR which restores the original behaviour

@porkyhead please watch #178

Fixed in 3.1.0 #187