
Go to root fragment from hidden stack

evgenybozhko2 opened this issue · 5 comments

How manage stack for hidden tab ? For example I want pop few levels back.

Not sure that I understand the question, could you elaborate?

Have you tried to thinking? (joke).
For example, we have two tabs with two stacks with hiding fragment strategy. When a user sees the first stack, the second one hidden. So I want to manage the hiden stack, for example, make a pop or go to root fragment into second not displayed stack. Does it possible?

You can clear a stack that is not currently selected via fun clearStack(tabIndex: Int, transactionOptions: FragNavTransactionOptions? = defaultTransactionOptions) other than that, operations can only be performed on the current stack. You may want to rethink your UX, as popping fragments on non-visible stack is very strange navigation UX.

Thanks for the very long response.
Nothing strange there, because it's a simple logout feature.

@ncapdevi Please check this, bro and help me:
#233 (comment)