
Opinionated kickstarter for Angular JS projects. Inspired by ngBoilerplate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Opinionated kickstarter for AngularJS projects. Inspired by ngBoilerplate.

Quick Start

Install Node.js and Git and then:

$ git clone git://github.com/samora/ng-launchpad
$ cd ng-launchpad
$ npm install -g gulp bower
$ npm install
$ gulp

Visit localhost:8000 in your browser.



ng-launchpad, like ngBoilerplate, is meant to make life easy by providing a basic framework with which to kickstart AngularJS projects.

However, ng-launchpad is simpler and differs in a few ways:

  • gulp.js, instead of Grunt, as a build/management tool.
  • Jade instead of HTML for templates. Jade is a necessity for me and probably my core motivation for creating ng-launchpad.
  • Integrated development server.
  • Protractor integration for end-to-end (e2e) tests.
  • Development build has a similar directory structure to production. However the files are not minified and compressed.
  • No support for CoffeeScript... yet.

ng-launchpad is a simpler than ngBoilerplate on purpose, yet keeps the same ideas.


  • Modular application structure to encourage component re-use. If you don't know why this is important, read this.
  • Automagically minify, compress, uglify and package files for production.
  • Built-in development server which reloads the page on file changes.
  • Automagically re-run tests on file changes.
  • Use Jade to simplify your HTML.
  • Use Less to simplify your CSS.


The following have already been added because I believe they are the bare minimum components you may need. Add or remove according to your requirements.


Overall Directory Structure

At a high level, the structure looks roughly like this:

  |- src/
  |  |- common/
  |  |  |- <shared modules>
  |  |- img/
  |  |  |- <images>
  |  |- less/
  |  |  |- main.less
  |  |  |- variables.less
  |  |- modules/
  |  |  |- <app modules>
  |  |- index.jade
  |- vendor/
  |- .bowerrc
  |- bower.json
  |- build.config.js
  |- Gulpfile.js
  |- karma.conf.js
  |- package.json
  |- protractor.conf.js
  • src/- app's sources.
    • common/- shared components used by other modules in src/modules/. If the folder doesn't exist you must create it.
    • img/- drop images here. Remember's directory structure when copying into build or production folder.
    • less/-
      • main.less- main css file used to generate main.css. All Less files in src/common & src/modules are concatenated into main.less before generating main.css. Don't you love this? :)
      • variables.less- override bootstrap variables or add your own.
    • modules- main app components go here.
  • vendor/- 3rd-party libraries. Bower will install packages here. Note: Anything added here should be manually added to build.config.js's files.js.vendor property.
  • .bowerrc- tells Bower to install dependencies to vendor/.
  • bower.json- project's Bower configuration.
  • build.config.js- custom build settings.
  • Gulpfile.js- build script.
  • karma.conf.js- Karma settings.
  • package.json- used by NPM.
  • protractor.conf.js- Protractor settings.

File naming conventions for src/common and src/modules

  • Start file names within a specific module with a common prefix. Example: In the src/modules/home/ all file names should begin with home; home.js, homeCtrl.js, homeCtrl.spec.js, home.tpl.jade, home.scenario.js, home.less.
  • Templates: *.tpl.jade. Templates in src/common are added to Angular's template cache and bundled into templates-common module in file templates-common.js. Templates in src/modules are added to Angular's template cache and bundled into templates-modules module in file templates-modules.js. Template names are without src/common or src/modules prefix. Example: src/modules/home/home.tpl.jade becomes home/home.tpl.html.
  • Unit tests: *.spec.jade.
  • e2e tests: *.scenario.jade.


The Quick Start should be enough to get most people started. However here are more details:

Preferrably you can use Git to download ng-launchpad and start hacking.

$ git clone git://github.com/samora/ng-launchpad <directory>
$ cd <directory>

Or you can download a zipped copy.

Then, make sure you have gulp and bower installed globally. You might have to prefix the command with sudo in Linux if you don't have appropriate permissions.

$ npm install -g gulp bower

Finally, install dependencies from root folder:

$ npm install

bower install will be run automatically after npm install.

To make sure everything is working:

$ gulp watch

Note: On first run this might take a while as Protractor's webdriver must be downloaded and installed.

Build System: Managing Tasks with gulp.js

gulp.js is used to manage all tasks. The best way to learn how the tasks work is by familiarizing yourself with gulp.js and reading through the documented build script, Gulpfile.js. But you don't need to do that to be very productive with ng-launchpad.

Below are the important tasks that come pre-configured with ng-launchpad. All tasks should be run in a terminal or command prompt from the root of your app with gulp.


$ gulp compile
  • build- Process and package files into build/ folder.
  • compile- Process files into production directory (default: _public). These files have been minified and compressed, ready for deployment!
  • default- Build files, run local server, run unit tests using Karma and watch for changes. Can also be run with just gulp command. Note: Does not run e2e tests.
  • karma- Run unit tests with Karma.
  • karma:watch- Run unit tests with Karma and watch for changes.
  • protractor- Run e2e tests with Protractor.
  • protractor:watch- Run e2e tests with Protractor and watch for changes.
  • test- Run unit and e2e tests.
  • watch:files- Build files, run local server and watch for changes.
  • watch:test- Run unit tests with Karma, run e2e tests with Protractor and watch for changes.
  • watch- Build files, run local server, run unit tests with Karma, run e2e tests with Protractor and watch for changes.
  • clean- Delete build & production (default: _public) directories.
  • clean:build- Delete build directory.
  • clean:_public- Delete _public directory.
  • server- Run local server. Note: No Live Reload.

Some tasks, notably those which run e2e tests with Protractor, may take a while to complete on first run. This is because the webdriver needs to be downloaded and installed first.

You can change the output production directory by changing the productionDir variable in Gulpfile.js. This will rename the clean:_public task to clean:<productionDir>.

Development server & Live Reload

ng-launchpad's local server can be found at http://localhost:8000 or

ng-launchpad also includes Live Reload, so you no longer have to refresh your page after making changes. You need a Live Reload brower plugin for this:

When you load your page, click the Live Reload icon in your toolbar and everything should work magically.

If you'd prefer to not install a browser extension, then you must add the following to the end of the body tag in index.jade:



After getting some feedback from the community these are the things I want to put on the todo list:

  • CoffeeScript support.
  • Implement a yeoman generator.

I haven't tackled any of these yet. So anyone is welcome to take a crack at it.

Tip: I think it will be quite easy to add CoffeeScript support.


A good starting point, but surely improvements can be made. Feel free to contact me. Better still, submit a pull request.