
Notify the received HTTP request in sum

Sim4n6 opened this issue · 2 comments


Thank you for this wonderful tool.

I would like to notify the whole received request with PATH QUERY ALL_HEADERS and BODY to a discord webhook.
I've already done that for the header user_agent but the rest is still to be figured out.

Could you please help me write the bash script? I mean ...

echo "notify: what-in-here do you suggest please"
echo "notify: $user_agent


query parameters and headers are converted into shell variables:
If you need to go through all the variables, you can do this below:

while IFS='=' read -r -d '' n v; do
    echo "notyfy: $n=$v"
done < <(env -0)

But if you know the query header or parameter, you can refer to it directly:

# Content-Type
echo "notify: $content_type" 
# User-Agent
echo "notify: $user_agent" 
# regarding the path
echo "notify: $hook_method"
# regarding the body
echo "notify: $1"

Hi @ncarlier

Thank you for the quick reply. Sending all variables with the while loop is a bit hacky and would transfer more data.

But thank you for the partial solution