
Mobile friendly

Opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be nice if The Evolution of Trust was mobile-friendly. Attached printscreen is from chrome devtools emulating iPhone 6/7/8

screenshot from 2018-12-12 10-29-21

I don't see this as an issue, since I was able to view and go through the whole presentation on my phone. The only thing that wasn't mobile friendly was the language list - I had some trouble clicking it.

I really wish I could share this with my friends, but asking for access from the computer is pretty bad.
Someone can put a class in "div # slideshow_container", something like ".slide1" and the number increases as the game interface changes. I saw an array with 35 objects inside called SLIDES, I think it should be the one that changes the interface, it would be great to put the SLIDES index number as CSS class in "div # slideshow_container". This makes it very easy to put a specific CSS in each slide to customize very well for mobile. If anyone more familiar with this code does this from the numbers let me know, I can do the CSS part.

xloem commented

What is the issue on mobile, for confused visitors? Maybe I am missing something, but I'm not seeing problems in the screenshot. Is the bluriness the issue? This ran fine on my android phone.

From my perspective there is too much margin and the text becomes too small on a mobile device. Landscape mode doesn't help much, either