
Log status code filter

floyd-fuh opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

it would be nice if it would be possible to filter by response status code. This would help during debugging and during regular pentesting. It would be best if the user could chose between the following status codes:

  • Lower than 100
  • 100s
  • 200s
  • ...
  • 500s
  • 600 and above

While developing an active scan plugin it is good to see if the server ever responds with status code 0, that usually means you screwed up the first line of the HTTP request and the server interpreted the request as HTTP/0.9 (no headers in response).

During pentesting this would be helpful especially to filter only for in-scop 500 responses that might be triggered from various active scans/extender plugins. That way you can easily see when the server side had issues.


Hi Floyd,

In the upcoming release a number of new features have been added. This includes the filtering of log items using any of the parameters available in the table. Such a filter may be (status >= 400 && status < 500) to display only those with a status from 400-499.

Along with filtering specific items it is also possible to set color rules to highlight important table entries such as setting the foreground color, of those entries where the the status is 0, to red.

I hope this is suitable for what you require.
