
Unknown encoding: raw-unicode-escape

lllama opened this issue · 2 comments

I get this error when it tries to save the results:

    self.write(UNICODE + obj.encode('raw-unicode-escape') + '\n')
LookupError: unknown encoding: raw-unicode-escape

Looks like it comes from this line:

 pickle.dump(self._response_store, fp)

  • What version of Python are you using? python -V
  • Could you please paste a full stack trace?
  • What OS?
  • Does the following result in an error: print ''.encode('raw-unicode-escape')?
  • This functionality is in serializing the responses and exceptions to a file. It was really meant for debugging. The exceptions file could indicate an issue you might want to resolve.

Try these changes: 9604419

Hello @bitsandsalsa I get the same error at the assumed end of the script. It's Python 2.7 running on Ubuntu 18 Desktop. I don't see that print statement. If it's just for debugging, where is the output?