
Get-AzADALAuthenticationContext Exception

RonnieQuan opened this issue · 1 comments

Authentication is successful, I got list of subscription to choose from, after I select couple of subscription, I got following error.

.\Azucar.ps1 -ExportTo CSV,JSON,XML,EXCEL -ForceAuth
Get-AzADALAuthenticationContext : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'TenantID'. Cannot convert value to type System.String.
At C:\Users\a507246\ADO_repo\azucar-master\core\api\auth\azureauth.ps1:500 char:104

  • ... ionContext -Login $Environment.Login -TenantID $Subscription.TenantID
  •                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Get-AzADALAuthenticationContext], ParameterBindingArgumentTransformationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentTransformationError,Get-AzADALAuthenticationContext

I performed a find & replace of '$Subscription.tenantId' to '$TenantID' in the following file: \core\api\auth\azureauth

This seems to fix it partially. I can now run azucar and get data out of the subscription. I guess that Azure changed something in the API which caused the azucar to become incompatible.