
Artifact is not working on wondows runner

ouaibsky opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Try to release some msi files build on a windows runner, but nothing is included with a regex like here under.
It works very well on ubuntu and macos.

     - uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
         artifacts: "./target/*.msi"

Thx for help

Check the logs for that step, it should indicate if there was an error or if it couldn't find those files.

I'm pretty sure artifacts are generally working on the window runner. My test repo for this action runs on windows and is able to successfully upload artifacts:

Resulting Release:

Things to check on your end:

  • Make sure those files exist at the expect path (add a step which prints out the directory structure)
  • Check logs for action run to see if there are obvious failures.
  • Verify your path format is correct. Not 100% sure what the current directory path indicator ./ does on the runner (especially on windows).

checked the format and looks good now.