v0.13 getting consistence data / readings
WhiteLionATX opened this issue · 0 comments
I tried ESP 32 Wroom 32D module with LD2410B connected to pins 32 and 33.
I usually use my own basic code and include libs for connected sensors. - So I did with yours and noticed two different bugs.
I commented it in my code. please take a look. as soon as I removed the sendRadarMotion() function everything works like it should be.
BUG 1: if setupLD2410 is only called once / initial radar.isConnected gets true only every 12-14 readings.
initializing setupLD2410() more often bevor readings seems to help somehow.
BUG 2: radar.isConnected - method only gets true after 20-50 attempts. So I tried a loop to fix with a loop. that get it working a view times more often but after about 30 readings it stopped / hangs for unknown reasons.
Any ideas on that ?
uint32_t radarRxPin = 32;
uint32_t radarTxPin = 33;
void setupLD2410()
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial1.begin(256000, SERIAL_8N1, radarRxPin, radarTxPin); //UART for monitoring the radar
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("\nConnect LD2410 radar TX to GPIO:"));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(radarRxPin);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Connect LD2410 radar RX to GPIO:"));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(radarTxPin);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("LD2410 radar sensor initialising: "));
if (radar.begin(Serial1))
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(F("OK"));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("LD2410 firmware version: "));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(radar.firmware_major_version);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print('.');
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(radar.firmware_minor_version);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print('.');
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(radar.firmware_bugfix_version, HEX);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(F("not connected"));
void sendRadarMotion(unsigned long currentTime, unsigned long *timeLastMeasurements, unsigned int *measureCount, bool connectedToMqttNetwork)
// main loop for LD2410 sensor readings:
if(currentTime - *timeLastMeasurements > 1000 )
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println("*");
*timeLastMeasurements = millis();
*measureCount += 1;
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Measurement count: "));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(*measureCount);
DynamicJsonDocument docRadar = DeserializeJson(radarMonitor);
// init only once after reboot:
if (*measureCount == 1) setupLD2410();
// BUG 1: if setupLD2410 is not called here again the readings stop even earliear then BUG 2
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Radar connected: "));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println((String)radar.isConnected());
uint32_t count = 0;
// BUG 2: try to fix the only get true after 20-50 attempts of "radar.isConnected":
while (!radar.isConnected() && (count < 100))
count ++;
//if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Radar connected: "));
//if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print((String)count + " ");
JsonAddSingleString(docRadar, "Id", WiFi.macAddress());
JsonAddSingleValue(docRadar, "Restarts", rtcMemory.restartCounter);
uint32_t distance = radar.stationaryTargetDistance();
uint32_t energy = radar.stationaryTargetDistance();
JsonAddSingleString(docRadar, "Target", "Stationary");
JsonAddSingleValue(docRadar, "Distance", distance);
JsonAddSingleValue(docRadar, "EnergyCm", energy);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Stationary target: "));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(distance);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("cm energy:"));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(energy);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(' ');
uint32_t distance = radar.movingTargetDistance();
uint32_t energy = radar.movingTargetEnergy();
JsonAddSingleString(docRadar, "Target", "Moving");
JsonAddSingleValue(docRadar, "Distance", distance);
JsonAddSingleValue(docRadar, "EnergyCm", energy);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("Moving target: "));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(distance);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(F("cm energy:"));
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.print(energy);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println();
JsonAddSingleString(docRadar, "Pub", "/SensorTypD");
JsonAddSingleString(docRadar, "Sub", "/SensorCommandsD");
// json to rtc memory:
radarMonitor = SerializeJson(docRadar);
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println("Sending ...");
// send by mqtt if connected
client_global.publish("/SensorTypD", radarMonitor.c_str());
// if not connected to mqtt send by esp now
radarMonitor = "";
//*measureCount = 0;
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial.println(F("No radar sensor connected."));
EDIT: It gets better calling radar.read() more often than every second.
EDIT2: It does not solve the problem. To get constantan readings I have to call again setupLD2410() and this will sooner or later lead to a freeze at:
if (DEBUG_MODE > 2) Serial1.begin(256000, SERIAL_8N1, radarRxPin, radarTxPin); //UART for monitoring the radar
EDIT3: After more testing I noticed that even nonBlockingDelay(10) is to much. setting nonBlockingDelay(1) seems to work. No idea why radar.read() needs to be called so much often or stops working.