Server dying ECONNRESET
remy opened this issue · 13 comments
I'm getting a rather unuseful error when the server dies:
Error: ECONNRESET, Connection reset by peer
at IOWatcher.callback (net:326:21)
at node.js:204:9
I've written a simple pass-through server: so I can't see anything particularly special causing me errors.
Any ideas or suggestions on how I help can debug it?
Few more examples more examples of the error I'm getting:
throw arguments[1];
Error: EPIPE, Broken pipe
at Stream._writeOut (net:627:22)
at Stream.flush (net:684:24)
at IOWatcher._doFlush [as callback] (net:268:14)
at node.js:204:9
throw arguments[1];
Error: ECONNRESET, Connection reset by peer
at IOWatcher.callback (net:326:21)
at node.js:204:9
Does the server die without any apparent reason? What client do you use to connect to it? (fresh ff and chrome have updated implementations - I'll be updating to reflect that soon)
I'm accessing it using Chrome 5.0.375.55 - but it's also open to the general public so it could be any browser.
Generally it works fine, but it does regularly go down. I'm currently using it for the server side of this hack I build: and I found when it became more popular it would fall over ('disconnect' would show in the title).
I've currently wrapped the server in a while loop, so if it goes down, it comes straight back up again.
My gut feeling is that it's to do with packet size - if you try sending a message around 30K it'll keel over - but I can't be completely sure... Sorry, bit vague!
My gut feeling tells me something similar - it seems like it's a problem with nodejs itself. It also tells me that I need tests for my little server, mainly to test if it works with the ever-changing current version of node :) Which version of node do you use? I could take a look at the source code - the failing part is in js so quite readable.
I'm on 0.1.97
All tracks seem to be leading to C sources in nodejs, effectively making me unhelpful ;) It seems that when connection is broken, then two functions throw exceptions and these exceptions are not transformed into error events on js side: read and write ( #484, #601). Can't really tell anything more...
Is there any chance that you could log these C errors on the Node project? I see Web Sockets as a great way of getting real time data out, and so far your micro-library is the simplest and most stable, but I wouldn't know exactly what to say if I logged the bugs myself.
Have you maybe tried to reproduce the bug against current master?
I'm experiencing the same issue using nodejs 0.1.99 and Safari 5 on Windows 7. Safari 5 on the Mac causes no such issue. Anyone have any additional insight on handling this problem?
I would appreciate such insight too. I don't have any Windows nearby...
ncr, this seems on point:
It looks like we at least need to be able to add a listener for "error". I hard coded one onto the socket in ws.js that would just write the error to sys.log, and it at least keeps node.js from crashing. I know this doesn't fix the specific problem, but it would at least allow us to handle it more gracefully in the meantime.
Thank you Nick! Could you send me a pull request?
Closing this