
Usage with VS Code / Git Authentication

Closed this issue · 2 comments

First: Great project, really appreciate the efforts here as it's made my usage of 1Password and agent forwarding actually usable.

Trying to get VS Code/Git to authenticate to remote repo's hosted on Gitea using private/public keys stored within 1Password. I've tried setting the Remote SSH agent executable, and trying to use Git bash to change the named pipe. But I'm a little over my skies in terms of Googling this one out.

Any thoughts on what to research or test next?

Does Vscode/git authentication work on any repos that are hosted elsewhere?

Are you trying to do this from a WSL environment VSCode?

In VSCode, open the terminal and run this command for me where.exe ssh. The output should be C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\ssh.exe (or something very close).

Because ultimately this isn't actually a winssh-pageant issue. VSCode doesn't use pageant at all. That being said I'm still happy to help.

I suspect that VSCode is defaulting to using the ssh binary that's bundled with GitForWindows, and not the microsoft OpenSSH ssh.exe

@gatesry were you able to get this to work?