
Top level admin division doesn't upload

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This was originally found by Richard for the Nigeria site, and reproduced by me testing out Malawi data. I'll send the location admin divisions and location upload by email. Uploading the latter seems to upload 2071 out of 2072 locations, but the top level admin division, Country 1, doesn't seem to be uploading. Exporting the upload does have the Country level there - it's just not an individual item. Reporting it since it's not in line with how Apollo normally works, but I'm not sure it actually affects anything negatively.

@blynchNDI I don't believe you've sent the offending files.

@takinbo I had sent by email a little while ago but it probably got lost in the shuffle around the Tunisia elections. Just resent the files

@blynchNDI has this repeated since the order of admin divisions was fixed? please verify as i have not been able to reproduce

Tried replicating this with the files that were originally causing this, and the upload worked without any issues. Will reopen if the issue reappears with any other uploads