
Postgres and Web containers seem to crash on compose

blynchNDI opened this issue · 1 comments

Not a major problem, but when running docker-compose up -d for the first time to build and launch Apollo on a server, the task finishes successfully, but while the Redis and Worker containers stay up, the Postgres and Web containers seem to always go down shortly after the command finishes. Manually restarting them with docker start works fine however and the application seems to run without problems after that, so this isn't a major stumbling block, and this doesn't happen if you subsequently do docker-compose down and docker-compose up -d to rebuild the containers. Just wanted to raise it for awareness as first it would be a minor priority to fix this behavior, but more importantly in case it's indicative of a bigger problem that could arise down the line.

This seems to no longer be happening with the latest versions - will note if it does occur again