Guys I can't get my light to flash on my n-spire cx ii-t
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For several hours I've been trying to make my calculator's led flash for the game I'm developing but I can't. I code in c and I found this example on the net
(volatile uint32_t)(0x90000010) &= ~(1<<4);
while(!any_key_pressed()) {
(volatile uint32_t)(0x90000014) &= ~(1<<4);
(volatile uint32_t)(0x90000014) |= 1<<4;
The LED is special, it's got some protections around it, as it is meant to show whether Press-To-Test is active. On the classic calcs it was relatively easy to control, on the CX it got harder and IIRC the CX II made some more changes on top.
Oh ok it's nice it's going to be hard, have you tried doing it?
AH sorry these not serious I will continue but research my cotes these nice to have helped me Vogtinator:)
Just one last question: how did you observe this protection?
TBH I haven't tried doing anything with the LED on CX II (not even CX IIRC), it's just not that useful.
Just one last question: how did you observe this protection?
There's probably more stuff floating around somewhere, but probably incomplete and boring.