
An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Vertical Federated Tree Boosting Framework


An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Vertical Federated Tree Boosting Framework


This project provides an efficient and privacy-preserving vertical federated framework for the boosting tree model, named SGBoost.


1. The code in the jar. files uses an absolute path to read data, which needs to be set by the user


2. JDK Version: 12.0.1

3. Running:

(1) Start CSP service.
java -cp C:\SGBoost\SGBoost.jar cloud.CloudServiceProvider
(2) Start organizer service.
java -cp C:\SGBoost\SGBoost.jar dataowner.DataOrganizer
(3) Start dataowner service, and start model training.
java -cp C:\SGBoost\SGBoost.jar dataowner.DataOwner
(4) When training terminates, start model query service.
java -cp C:\SGBoost\SGBoost.jar user.user