
packets lost displayed wrong

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Original issue 170 created by aaronmbr on 2015-03-10T12:51:35.000Z:

The packets lost seems to be a percentage whereas the "units" for packets lost would be number of packets, not percentage lost.

Even accounting for the units problem, it displays them in scientific notation as in the screen shot below.

Comment #1 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-10T13:25:13.000Z:


Comment #2 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-12T10:41:56.000Z:


Comment #3 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-12T15:48:40.000Z:

I've change displaying from scientific notation and also make it clear that unit is percentage. Changes available on Issue170 branch

Comment #4 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-12T16:09:57.000Z:

Is this committed? I'm not seeing anything in https://code.google.com/p/ndt/source/list .

Comment #5 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-12T16:13:15.000Z:

I've got some error during first attempt. Now is ok.

Comment #6 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-13T14:00:18.000Z:

Looks good. Commit at will.

Comment #7 originally posted by aaronmbr on 2015-03-19T08:25:23.000Z:

Merged into trunk